İzmir Buca Seyfi Demirsoy Training and Research Hospital
Buca Seyfi Demirsoy Training and Research Hospital, located in the center of Buca district, one of the oldest settlements dating back to the 130s AD, is located on 132 acres of land including a historical structure called "Forbes Pavilion" in an area covered with pine and olive trees away from the noise of the city.
The project was renovated by Ege University Construction Faculty as earthquake resistant and our hospital was opened as "SSK Buca Seyfi Demirsoy Hospital" on 06.07.2002. On 19.02.2005, "Turkish Ministry of Health Buca Seyfi Demirsoy State Hospital" was transferred to the Ministry of Health.
On 10.06.2020, our hospital gained "Education and Research Hospital" status with the protocol signed between the Ministry of Health and Izmir Democracy University. On 01.08.2020, the Ministry of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital was connected to our hospital with the abolition of the status of a detached hospital and started to be used as "Buca Obstetrics and Gynecology Additional Service Building". As of this date, a total capacity of 535 beds under the name of "Turkish Ministry of Health Buca Seyfi Demirsoy Training and Research Hospital" has started to be served in the role of A1. As of 15.07.2020, Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Yekta ÖNCEL, MD is still in the position of Chief Physician after our hospital has been granted "Education and Research Hospital" status.
Our hospital main service building has a closed area of 24.000 m2 in 8 separate service buildings, mainly the inpatient unit and outpatient building. Our hospital includes Adult Emergency,10 Operating Room Halls, Local Intervention Halls, 3rd step General Intensive Care Unit with 10 beds, 2nd step Coronary Intensive Care Unit with 9 beds, 2nd step Internal Intensive Care Unit with7 beds and 1st step Surgical Intensive Care Unit with 7 beds. Our hospital also has 405 beds in 26 different branches with our Special Units such as Home Health Services Unit with 5000 registered patients, Community Mental Health Center, Palliative Care Unit (19 beds), Psychiatric Service (20 beds), Diabetic Foot Unit Obesity(16 beds), Physical Therapy Unit, Ergo therapy Center and Single Adult Obesity Center of Aegean Region.
Buca Obstetrics and Gynecology Additional Service Building serves with a capacity of 130 beds in a total closed area of 22.953 m2 in 5 separate blocks. Additional Service Building has 3rd step Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) with 18 beds, 2nd step Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) with 6 beds and 1st step Adult Intensive Care Unit with 6 beds. TDL (Labor, Birth, Puerperal) Rooms, Aquatic Birth Unit, Maternity School and Breastfeeding Counseling Outpatient Clinic with our Special Units in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Our hospital has been awarded the titles "Baby Friendly Hospital" in 2011, "Baby Friendly Neonatal Intensive Care Unit" in 2017 and "Mother Friendly Hospital" in 2018.
Since August 2004, "The patient has the right to freely choose his physician" in our hospital. Since 05.10.2006, our hospital has been in service with TSE-ISO 9001:2000 certificate, which is written proof of quality service, and TSE-ISO 9001:2008 quality certificate as of 16.10.2009. In addition, the academic journal of our hospital started publishing as Forbes Journal of Medicine in August 2020. Our in-service trainings continue in an orderly way with the awareness that education is the way to continuously improve the health service.